Wednesday 28 February 2018

The Educated Illiterate

What is Education?
We say "The process or art of imparting knowledgeskill and judgment". Be notified about the prominent words in our definition above, " imparting, knowledge, and skill". These are the three keywords we will be deducing our claims from.
IMPARTING: Simply means the act of communicating  the knowledge of a particular field into a system through impartation as the final processed word for such act.
Imparting is actually another word for inculcating, that is, the act of indulging a system to be programmed by a system. All this analysis leads us to the actions that takes place when education as the finished product is about to jet off its course. The next keyword is Knowledge.
KNOWLEDGE" Simply means "The fact of knowing about something; general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place, situation. This can be said to be the second stage in the process of learning to get educated. After imparting, Knowledge is the next digging prowess of education, or the power house behind education itself. Without knowledge, no man can approach the word " education ". It is imperative to understand how logical it is in producing a momentum for a driving spirit, such momentum is found in the amount of what you know. What you know determine how educated you will become, other than being a degree holder or a pan reader, what is most prominent is how much knowledge have you been able to glean from your devotions. Knowledge is power according to the popular quote, you need knowledge before education, because that is the brain box of education. Knowledge is then the daughter to imparting. Thirdly, is a talk on the word " Skill".
SKILL: Simply means "To have personal or practical knowledge; to be versed or practised; to be an expert or dexterous in handling problems". This is the final product of education which equivalent is likened to " Wisdom". Skill is what you need to have after impartation and knowledge, because that is the arduous reason you give in to learning and pursuance. By the margin of this stage, people won't see the knowledge you have again nor how you gain it, all they want to see is the result. This connotes my favourite quote which says "Nobody cares if you are good or not, what they care about is the result you can show them". When you get to this stage, it means you must have been through with your high school, first degree, if possible all through to the last stem of degree, which is Doctorate or PhD as it is popularly called. And by the virtue of setting off your world against this qualification, your personality is already in tango with the world look, that is, people no longer see you as uneducated or illiterate anymore but a high placed personality in the society. You are no longer the kid of no understanding but rather the man of great value. No one expect failure from you rather than success. what the eyes want to see is how powerful you can be and how influential you have become by possessing such a great deal of acquisitions.
It is a fact in our world today, that the analogy of experimentation above is under threat in our today world because of the new buzz that has get a hold on the so called powerful elite, which otherwise can be called "the graduates" and make them the "Educated Illiterate".

This is the inability to interpret the value of being educated to solve an inadequacy. In the layman terms, it is the act of not been able to show the valuation of the sum total answer of being educated.
Many people are educational illiterate, not that they are unable to read or learn but due to the fact that they are unable to think and interpret a known problem with a solution but rather become the root of declination. To iron this straight, there are known examples of this kind of personality. One, is a man who can't understand the true meaning of maturity, other than bragging about how much degree he/she had acquire, all point in to the fact of high graded illiteracy. You maybe the most educated man in your working place or school department, _ if you are not inclined with skills of education other than crawling with how much knowledge or how imparted are you, you are no different to an empty barrel that  has a great physique for a good storage cabin but the contents are already leaking. This shows the fact that, it's not how much you know that matter but how skillful and wise you can be with what you know... Don't let anyone get you twisted with their tongue sugar,  search for knowledge to become skillful and wise.. Most professors and talk managers are preferably the Educated illiterates.
Many of them are not what you view them to be, myriads are of unskillful realities. That is, they profess what they know, not what they do..
Don't be like that graduate that cannot defend that certificate, these ones are the 3rd category in our topic. The first are the Individuals with degree related professions.
Secondly, are the couples in marriage..(This will be another article entirely, The Couples Goals). Thirdly, are the students, teachers, traders and so on. These are the category of people that falls into the chase of education illiteracy.

You and I may actually have been a victim or possibly the victims itself
We've all fall into one category or the other, what matters is not where we fall to but how to  hold a grab of understanding the trueness of education.

I will continue this article in the next chapter.

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